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The Butterfly Project

This is not a public fundraising site for
I Can Fly International or its Butterfly Project. 
A link to the I Can Fly International Butterfly website is show above
I Can Fly High School
Machakos, Kenya

The Mission    

     I Can Fly Inter natioal is a United States based 501c3 non-profit organization that helps children and youth in Kenya-East Africa escape child Marriage, female mutilation, tribal war, Child labor, Abandonment and extreme proverty.   Our mission is to proide life changing opportunities to rescued children and youth living within impoverished villages around the world through education, life skills and enrichment activities.  

 The Vision

     We envision girls and boys in the developing world having the chance to live up to their potential by exercising their basic rights to access education in pursuit of their ambitions.

The Children

     I Can Fly International offers comprehensive assistance to chldren and youth from 5 to 18 years old from nine distinct counties throughout Kenya in the area of education, enrichment and life skills at I Can Fly International high school and pre-school.  Most students live on campus in the Butterfly House Dormitory and Eagle's House.


     Pre-school students are comprised of local village children who live with parents or guardians in the Makakoi and Makilu communities.

Payment Methods
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